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文章来源: 作者:罗茨机电 发布时间:2021-07-23 浏览次数:1986

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Rotary fan rotary valve, if properly taken care of, is very reliable and provides many years of trouble free service. Rotary valves rarely stick like pistons used, but if not maintained will start to get slow and may be noisy. The correct lubrication of rotary valve is more complex and less frequent than piston valve, but the rotary fan must be kept quiet and the valve action is completed regularly.


The disassembly of rotary fans and other types of valves mentioned here is complex, and to be honest, I don't recommend that most users do it themselves. This process is good for technicians to carry out, do not try to dismantle the valve, stainless steel blower door maintenance is not really for inexperienced work. The following manufacturers will teach you the steps of adding lubricating oil to the rotary fan:


First, remove a few drops of oil from the valve cover and place it on the end of the spindle or other rotor. Replace the cap.



Second, turn the instrument, remove the stop arm screw from the other end of the main shaft, and drop a few drops of lubricating oil into the threaded hole. Replace the screws.


Third, put some of the same lubricant on the linkage of various connections. The rotary fan is a volume operation type blower. When used, the flow rate changes little with the change of pressure. But the flow varies with the speed. Therefore, the selection range of pressure is very wide, and the selection of flow can meet the needs by selecting the speed. In operation, roots blower uses the pressure difference of the blower to automatically send lubrication to the oil dripping nozzle and drop it into the cylinder to reduce friction and noise, while keeping the gas in the cylinder from backflow. This kind of blower is also called sliding vane blower.


After that, move the instrument approximately to ensure that the oil does not touch the valve, all buttons along the working valve. Luo rotary fan is mainly composed of the following six parts: motor, air filter, blower body, air chamber, base (also used as oil tank) and oil drip nozzle. The blower operates eccentrically by the offset rotor in the cylinder, changes the volume between the blades in the rotor slot, and sucks, compresses and spits out the air. Allow any excess to run out of the instrument.

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