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文章来源: 作者:罗茨机电 发布时间:2021-07-16 浏览次数:1510

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Centrifugal fan is used in all walks of life in industrial production, which has a good effect on indoor ventilation, emission, exhaust and so on. Closed space can not be air circulation, it can highlight how important the fan is.

1、随着污染程度加剧,人体会产生亚健康反应甚至威胁到生命安 全。离心式风机在进行排风的时候很好地将其污染排除在外。

1. With the aggravation of pollution, the human body will produce sub-health reaction and even threaten the safety of life. Centrifugal fan in the exhaust when it is good to exclude its pollution.


2. Indoor air pollution is a kind of indoor environmental pollution behavior that the harmful substances in indoor air exceed the standard due to various reasons, and then affect human health.



3. Harmful substances include formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, radioactive radon, etc. Centrifugal fan is indispensable for ventilation.


4. Now the factory is more closed, the indoor pollution factors are increasing, but the ventilation capacity is weakened, which makes the concentration of some indoor pollutants several times higher than that of the outdoor.

离心式风机利用通风原理为密闭空间保持空气流通,不至于长时间屋内产生有毒气体,除此之外它还在电影院、地下停车场也有着重要的作用,为了是给大家营造出一个安 全的生存环境。

Centrifugal fan uses the principle of ventilation to maintain air circulation in the confined space, so as not to produce toxic gases in the room for a long time. In addition, it also plays an important role in cinemas and underground parking lots, in order to create a safe living environment for everyone.


Thank you for reading, hope the above content can help you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: Shaanxi centrifugal fan manufacturer http://www.sdyqtc.com 。

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