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文章来源: 作者:罗茨机电 发布时间:2021-03-26 浏览次数:778

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回转式鼓风机的工作准备:清理设备表面的灰尘和碎屑,并以免油混入。检查是否忘记拧紧入口和出口的连接部件,以及管道的支撑部件是否完整。 如果管道中有焊渣和铁屑,应将其清理。

Preparation for rotary blower: clean the dust and debris on the surface of the equipment to avoid oil mixing. Check if you forget to tighten the connecting parts of the inlet and outlet, and if the supporting parts of the pipe are complete. If there are welding slag and iron filings in the pipeline, they should be cleaned.

设备运行时,请保障油位在油位计的两条红线之间,设备工作时不应加油,用手沿着旋转的方向盘移动皮带轮或联轴器,以检查是否异常。设备突然故障的解决方案:当设备正常工作时,发现它突然泄漏。 完成后,再次进行处理。

When the equipment is running, please ensure that the oil level is between the two red lines of the oil level gauge. When the equipment is working, do not add oil. Move the pulley or coupling manually along the rotating steering wheel to check whether it is abnormal. Solution to sudden failure of equipment: when the equipment works normally, it is found to leak suddenly. After that, it is processed again.


高温会切断水和电。 真空设备害怕高温下的断水和断电。 当安装回转式鼓风机时,建议安装备用水箱或自来水管,替换充气气瓶。当需要替换设备使用的充气气瓶时,请拆下压力调节阀并用一瓶新气体进行替换,在安装过程中请注意不要漏气。设备可以工作一段时间,并且需要清洗和清洁以保持设备的清洁。

High temperature cuts off water and electricity. Vacuum equipment is afraid of water and power cut-off under high temperature. When installing the rotary blower, it is recommended to install a spare water tank or water pipe to replace the gas cylinder. When the gas cylinder used in the equipment needs to be replaced, please remove the pressure regulating valve and replace it with a new one. Please pay attention not to leak during installation. The equipment can work for a period of time and needs to be cleaned and cleaned to keep it clean.

回转式鼓风机启动时空的原因是:电动机; 电动机的电压不变,速度不变,需求越大,工作越多。 电动机功率增加,电流增加,电流太大,维护系统停止。没有维护系统的电动机烧毁。 风扇:风扇暴露于压缩气体产生的热量中,热量无法及时散发,风扇变热,变软并使风扇外壳变脆,风扇同时受到两个外力的作用。

The reason for starting time and space of rotary blower is: motor; the voltage and speed of the motor remain unchanged, the greater the demand, the more the work. The motor power increases, the current increases, the current is too large, the maintenance system stops. The motor without maintenance system was burnt out. Fan: when the fan is exposed to the heat generated by the compressed gas, the heat can not be dissipated in time, the fan becomes hot, soft and the fan shell becomes brittle, and the fan is subject to two external forces at the same time.

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