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文章来源: 作者:罗茨机电 发布时间:2021-03-25 浏览次数:686

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How to install powder pneumatic conveying equipment?

1.粉体气力输送必须牢固地装置在巩固的砼基础上。砼基础的表面应平坦,并呈水平状态,确保提高泵装置后达到笔直要求。 高度较高的提高泵在其中部机壳和上部机壳的恰当方位应与其相临的建筑物(如料仓、车间等)连在一起以增加其稳定性。

1. The pneumatic conveying of powder must be firmly installed on the solid concrete foundation. The surface of the concrete foundation shall be flat and horizontal to ensure that the pump can be straight after the pump device is raised. In order to improve the stability of the pump, the proper position of the middle casing and the upper casing should be connected with its adjacent buildings (such as silo, workshop, etc.).


2. When installing, first install the lower parts, fix the anchor bolts, then install the middle casing, and then install the upper casing. The housing device is successful and the straightness is corrected. The error should be less than 10 mm when the whole height is measured with lead straight line. The upper and lower axes should be parallel, and their axis lines should be in the same plane.


3. After the casing is installed, install the chain and hopper. The U-shaped screw for hopper connection is not only a chain joint, but also a fixed part of hopper. The nut of U-shaped screw must be tightened and firmly locked. The chain and hopper should be properly tensioned after installation.


4. Add proper amount of oil and grease to the reducer and bearing seat. The reducer is lubricated with industrial gear oil. Calcium base or sodium base grease can be used in bearing block.



5. Trial operation. After the completion of the device, the empty vehicle trial operation shall be carried out. Empty work should pay attention to: can't reverse, can't have bump phenomenon. No less than 2 hours, no overheating, bearing temperature rise no more than 250C, reducer temperature rise no more than 300C. After 2 hours of idle operation, the load test can be carried out when everything is normal. During the test run with load, the feeding should be uniform to prevent excessive feeding, blocking the lower part and forming "stuffy car".


6. The total height of the material seal pump (including the silo of the material seal pump) is generally 3.5-4.5m, which can be moderately changed according to the specific situation on the spot. The position of the discharge inlet of the material seal pump can be determined according to the situation on the spot, and it is generally appropriate to exceed the geographical position of the ash silo, or according to the direction of the pipeline.


The powder pneumatic conveying equipment shall be installed in strict accordance with the relevant requirements and standards. The installation shall be in place and firm. After the installation, it is necessary to carefully check whether there is any abnormality, so that the system can be put into normal use after operation.


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