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文章来源: 作者:罗茨机电 发布时间:2019-11-20 浏览次数:1070

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Material properties


The system designer will request information about the materials. The bulk density of materials helps to calculate the required air volume flow - higher density materials will lead to higher power consumption in the system.


Transportation conditions


The distance that the conveying system needs to cover is very important. Longer conveying distance requires more power, so larger vacuum pump is required. At longer distances, it becomes more economical to use a positive pressure system.1629179040997435.jpg


Batch delivery also requires larger pumping equipment to deliver batches to the system within a specified time.


Sometimes, large equipment related to this conveying system may lead to problems related to head height and plant direction.


When selecting materials, the installation environment and processing materials of the system are important factors. Altitude food and beverage hygiene requirements will determine the materials that can be used for system components.


System characteristics


Designing a system with multiple pickup positions is conducive to the vacuum system. The valve of the pressurization system will leak air. Conversely, when a vacuum system is used, a system with multiple delivery positions is likely to have air leakage.


The above are the important considerations in the design of pneumatic conveying system. I hope it will be helpful to you! Our company specializes in producing pneumatic conveying equipment. If you need it, please contact us.

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