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文章来源: 作者:罗茨机电 发布时间:2021-07-01 浏览次数:971

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气力输送设备在 水泥厂输送散装水泥输送效果不俗,它的具体生产原则是采用了风机从整个管路系统抽风,使管路处于负压状态,于是气流和物料形成混合物从吸嘴被抽吸进入输料 管。因为使用散装水泥比使用袋装水泥具有提高劳动生产效率,改善劳动条件,能节约大量的包装材料,降低水泥的生产成本,减少水泥的损耗以及延长水泥的有效 期等等优点。

Pneumatic conveying equipment has good conveying effect in cement plant. Its specific production principle is to use a fan to draw air from the whole pipeline system, so that the pipeline is in a negative pressure state, so that the mixture of air flow and material is pumped into the conveying pipe from the suction nozzle. Because the use of bulk cement than the use of bagged cement has the advantages of improving labor efficiency, improving working conditions, saving a lot of packaging materials, reducing the production cost of cement, reducing the loss of cement and extending the validity of cement and so on.

在使用散装水泥时,需要在地表建一散装水泥的贮仓,仓的容量视水泥的供应条件而定,一般为1.5~5天的平均用量,但不得少于 的至高用量。散装水泥用 散装水泥罐车从水泥厂运来,水泥罐车本身就是一个发送罐,可以采用气力自行将水泥输送到水泥仓。有的散装水泥罐车自身带有空气压缩机,不需要提供外来压 气,对自身不带空气压缩机的散装水泥罐车,则需要由集中空压机提供压气。

When using bulk cement, it is necessary to build a bulk cement silo on the surface. The capacity of the silo depends on the supply conditions of cement. Generally, it is the average consumption of 1.5 ~ 5 days, but it shall not be less than the maximum consumption of one day. Bulk cement is transported from the cement plant by bulk cement tank truck. The cement tank truck itself is a delivery tank, which can transport the cement to the cement bin by pneumatic force. Some bulk cement tankers have their own air compressor, so they don't need to provide external compressed air. For bulk cement tankers without their own air compressor, they need to be supplied by centralized air compressor.



The main advantages of suction pneumatic conveying equipment for conveying cement are as follows:


1: The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, less wearing parts and less maintenance workload.


2: In addition to the compressed air used for conveying, no other conveying power is needed, and the energy consumption is small.


3: The conveying process of pneumatic conveying equipment is continuous and the conveying pressure is low.


4: The pneumatic conveying equipment is light in weight, small in shape and does not occupy space.

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