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文章来源: 作者:罗茨机电 发布时间:2021-07-09 浏览次数:1611

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What are the factors that affect the outlet gas temperature of rotary fan? How much do you know about this? Look down


The volume ratio of the rotary fan is related to the working pressure, the friction of the internal blades of the rotary fan and the temperature of the air inlet. This is mainly a problem in the design of the rotary fan itself, so the user should install the rotary fan in the shady part when installing it, so as to avoid the temperature of the air inlet and reduce the temperature of the air outlet!


In addition, try not to exceed the rated pressure of the equipment in use. The higher the pressure is, the higher the outlet temperature will be. This has a certain relationship with the speed, but the good thing is that the rotating speed of the rotary fan belongs to the type of low speed fan, so the point is relatively stable.



Another point in operation is to pay attention to, in the oil supply system of rotary fan, to ensure that the amount of oil into the main engine cavity, insufficient oil supply will cause the fan sliding vane wear, indirectly increase the sliding vane friction and abnormal noise of the machine.


If there are conditions, users can configure air conditioning and other cooling facilities in the installed machine room to reduce the ambient temperature in the machine room, and also can directly and effectively reduce the temperature of the air outlet.


What we share above is the factors that affect the outlet gas temperature of the rotary fan and the effective solutions. You can refer to our suggestions. If you want to know more about rotary fan, please click our official website: Gansu rotary fan manufacturer http://www.sdyqtc.com 。

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